7 ways to get an awesome outdoor workout in Calgary

Jul 28 2017, 12:32 am

Summer is in full swing which means there are so many fun and social things to do.

Your main priority is probably to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, but you can’t neglect your exercise routine. So why not combine them, and take your workout outdoors?

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The best part about exercising outside is the change of scenery. It’s nice to get out of the gym for a while, and engage in different activities that still give you a killer workout! Here are a few ways you can stay active, and enjoy summer!

Bike Ride

Calgary has an extensive cycle path all throughout the city. You can bike almost anywhere because the bike paths go everywhere. Make it an adventure by packing a lunch, lots of water, find the nearest path to you and head out with no destination.


Image: Bootcamp / Shutterstock

Outdoor bootcamps are all the rage. The sun won’t be the only thing making you sweat; the group facilitator will push you while you enjoy the outdoors.

YMCA Eau Claire has an outdoor bootcamp at lunch, which is perfect to get you out of your office chair and out to enjoy the day. You’ll benefit from having an energy boost to tackle your afternoon, and getting your workout in during the day leaving you plenty of time to enjoy the sunny evening!

Run Stairs

Crescent Heights has stairs that go from Memorial Drive up to the top of Crescent Hill. Once you get to the top the view of the skyline is almost more rewarding than the exercise itself. Don’t forget to watch your step on the way back down!

Yoga in the Park

There is literally no better place to connect your mind, body and soul with yoga than in nature. Every Sunday at 1 pm there is pay what you want yoga in Stanley Park. This class is sure to foster love, compassion and gratitude within you, while you get a great workout.

Fitness Park

Calgary has outdoor gyms that are free. You read that correctly. FREE outdoor gyms! There is one right next to the Louise Riley Library near North Hill Mall. Head down and check out the gym equipment to get a gym like experience outside!

Park Bench

Image: Park bench workout / Shutterstock

This one is easy, all you need is a park, yourself and a park bench. You’d be amazed at how many different ways you can use a bench to complete a full body workout. Try these moves to get you started. Try push-ups, tricep dips, one (or two) legged bench squats, bench climbers, step ups, box jumps, sit to stand, single leg plyometrics, single leg lunge, plyometric push-ups and bridges, and if that isn’t enough get creative and try anything that comes to mind.

Hit the Pavement

Image: Running / Shutterstock

Grab your running shoes and head out for a run. You can simply go out your door and run around your neighbourhood, or you can head down to the river downtown and run the trail along the Bow River. Running is a great and easy way to get active. You are in control of your pace and distance, so make your workout what you want it to be!

The opportunities to get an awesome workout in while still enjoying the sunshine are endless. You can round up a crew, or go on a solo adventure. It doesn’t matter what you decide to do, or who you decide to do it with, just make sure you are out there taking care of yourself while you enjoy summer!

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Tammy BogdaneTammy Bogdane

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